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PhilouKaren School


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In 1996, Paul Badié returned to the land of his birth Cambodia. As a  result of  30 years of war, Khmer Rouge rule and foreign occupation, he  found his country broken. The loss of the  educated class and artists  was very evident. He immediately set upon building small schools in the  countryside.  His students were the children of poor farmers who desired to learn.  The curriculum began with English language and computer  skills and was later expanded to include Thai and Chinese languages. 

By the year 2004, Paul Badié had opened 4 schools. His students  gained not only a working knowledge of English and computers but more importantly, self-confidence and pride.

1999 - Prelude

2002 - School 1

2002 - School 2

475 photos

237 photos

A School

2004 - School 3

2004 - School 4

707 photos

in progress

It is written in Pif,  in Vrac or in Zebra ... I started as Zorro in 2001 and I finished in a bubble in 2006.

    - Yet it was beautiful.
    - Magnificent, I say.
    - Foolishness to start again ...

The photos are countless. A photographer's greediness. This is so…. we would take another.
These children have since grown. This will be, for some, a testament to their youth. Now that the web is available there, they, or their elders, may download and print as desired. Some of these children were called by the river, as parents say ... It will be, in any case, the only images of these beings.
I am proud to offer them.
